The S-5-H clamp was specifically developed to securely and cost-effectively accommodate metal roof panels with a horizontal seam. The S-5-H is unique in that it allows for attachment to a horizontal seam on the vertical leg of the seam.
The S-5-H Mini is a bit shorter than the S-5-H and has one setscrew rather than two. The mini is the choice for attaching all kinds of rooftop accessories: signs, walkways, satellite dishes, antennas, rooftop lighting, lightning protection systems, solar arrays, exhaust stack bracing, conduit, condensate lines, mechanical equipment–just about anything!*
*S-5! mini clamps are not compatible with, and should not be used with, S-5! SnoRail™/SnoFence™ or ColorGard™ snow retention systems.
The clamp’s two-piece design allows it to be installed anywhere along the length of the rib, making installation fast and easy! Just place the clamp on the seam, slide the insert piece into place, and tighten the setscrews. Go to for information about properly attaching S-5! clamps.
After the clamp is installed, affix ancillary items using the top stainless steel bolt provided. The S-5-H is perfect for use with S-5! ColorGard® snow retention system and other heavy-duty applications.